News and Information

CFPB Proposed Rules to Remove Medical Debt from All Credit Reports

A woman with glasses sitting at a table in her home is working on her laptop

The SBREFA Outline

In late September, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released a Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA) outline that would have a major impact on healthcare as we know it. In a news release, the CFPB said that its goal is “to remove medical bills from Americans’ credit reports,” drastically affecting healthcare providers nationwide. The outline, related to the Fair Credit Reporting Act and its proposed timeline, gives healthcare providers less than a month to grasp the sweeping changes and respond to the SBREFA proposal. It seeks to alter major parts of the credit reporting process, targeting medical providers and other industries.

Potential Candidates for SBREFA

In addition to the small review window, the CFPB is still in the process of reviewing candidates to serve as entity representatives to meet with the SBREFA Panel, which is required under the Dodd-Frank Act. Essentially these are private meetings where small businesses can inform the CFPB about the economic and compliance impact that new rules like this will have on their ability to survive.

The Impact of the SBREFA Outline

While the CFPB believes that they are helping Americans by removing medical debt from credit reports, they aren’t considering how that will impact the healthcare industry. The amount of medical debt in the U.S. is staggering. A Peterson-KFF report stated that in 2019 people in the U.S. owed at least $195 billion in medical debt. The CFPB believes that by removing the debt from credit reports, we remove the problem. In reality, the new SBREFA proposal will remove any urgency for patients to pay their medical bills, which will lead to a considerable increase in unpaid medical debt. Healthcare providers are already fighting an uphill battle to get paid, and this change will cause many hospitals that are struggling to survive to close their doors, leading to even higher costs and lower quality of care.

Americollect is ready to fight this battle, but it can’t be just us alone. For us to help your organization remain financially stable as you continue in your mission to serve your communities, you need to join the fight and take action now. Speak to your representatives and tell them about the negative impact this will have on not just your facility, but anyone seeking healthcare. There will be more information released on these proposed rules and Americollect will keep you up to date on what is happening.

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