News and Information

NY SB 8373 Medical Debt Definition Amendment Approved

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In late November 2024, Governor Kathy Hochul approved a correction (in NY SB 8373) to New York’s Fair Medical Debt Reporting Act.

The technical correction, which is in NY SB 8373, amends the definition of medical debt to exclude debt charged to a credit card unless the care is issued under an open-ended or closed plan offered specifically for the payment of health care services, products or devices provided to a person. The amendment took effect immediately on November 22, 2024, with the governor’s approval, and applies retroactively to the law’s original effective date, December 13, 2023.

NY SB 8373 was passed to solidify the bill that was passed in 2023. NY SB 4907 contained inconsistent definitions of medical debt across the General Business Law and Public Health Law. The amendment makes the definition of medical debt identical in both statues.

Americollect works to keep your facility updated with the latest state legislation that impacts revenue recovery for healthcare systems nationwide. We will be sure to keep you posted on any further developments regarding NY SB 8373.

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