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A Ridiculously Nice Medical Scheduling Team is Only a Call Away!

A medical receptionist is smiling on the phone and writing notes on a clipboard

Three key points:

  1. Americollect was able to show a new way to be Ridiculously Nice by assisting a client outside the early out/bad debt space with medical scheduling.
  2. A Midwestern hospital was having trouble finding the employees to schedule tests and vaccinations during Covid.
  3. This partnership has grown to acting as the hospital switchboard and placing more than 5,000 calls a month to schedule services.

Serving Our Clients in Medical Scheduling

At Americollect, we are well known for our Ridiculously Nice Early Out Services and Bad Debt Collection. Our teammates work diligently to recover your hard-earned income, speaking to your patients on the phone with empathy and care. We take that a step further by continually working closely with our clients to see if there are additional avenues where we can help them provide the best care possible.  

One of our clients, a midwestern hospital, knew this about us and didn’t hesitate to reach out when they needed another way to take advantage of our Ridiculously Nice abilities in medical scheduling.

The Right Time

When Covid brought our world to a standstill, this midwestern hospital found itself facing difficulties filling the staff needed to schedule testing and vaccinations. When trying to find a solution in medical scheduling, they turned to their trusted early out and bad debt collections partner, Americollect, to see if we would be able to help solve their problem.

After discussions with our midwestern client, it was clear to all parties that Americollect was a natural fit. We were already a trusted partner with access to their Epic EMR system, so adding our teammates to work queues within the system was a snap. At Americollect, we quickly implemented this new service, which allowed the hospital staff to keep their focus where it was needed most – the patients – and our team focused on their medical scheduling needs.

Medical Scheduling and Beyond

What began as medical scheduling such as tests and vaccinations for Covid transitioned into so much more. Currently, our Patient Support Specialists (PSS) schedule over 10 services for this client, ranging from mammograms, bone density and calcium screenings, to x-rays and ultrasounds. In addition to inbound and outbound scheduling, Americollect also manages cancelation and rescheduling of appointments, and acts as the hospital switchboard, routing calls for the entire health system.

The Results

The PSS team handles an average of 200 switchboard calls each day, allowing the hospital staff to focus on more important tasks. When it comes to medical scheduling, our PSS teammates place more than 5,000 calls per month, scheduling over 14,000 services for the hospital.

In addition to handling this Midwestern hospital’s inbound calls and scheduling, working with Americollect helped them lower their overall turnover because our teammates are hired and trained exclusively in a medical-based call center. As hospital systems continue to try and compete on providing the best “patient experience” from end to end, Americollect is making that easier to accomplish with an amazing team that can be your switchboard and schedule appointments, all while showing your patients the same empathy and care they have come to expect from your organization.


What began as a short-term solution for medical scheduling has become a long-term plan that continues to grow our existing partnership. The working relationship between Americollect and this hospital allows us to not only fill a need and better serve our client, but we are also able to analyze the processes to continually improve upon this service. Medical scheduling and working as switchboard operators allows us to be Ridiculously Nice to a whole new set of people! Talk to your Ridiculously Nice salesperson today to find out how Americollect can help you.

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The content provided in this communication (“Content”) is presented for educational and general reference purposes only. Americollect, Inc and/or AmeriEBO LLC either directly or indirectly through speakers, independent contractors, or employees (collectively referred to as “Americollect”) is providing this Content as a courtesy to be used for informational purposes only. The Contents are not intended to serve as legal or other advice. Americollect does not represent or warrant that the Content is accurate, complete, or current for any specific or particular purpose or application. This information is not intended to be a full and exhaustive explanation of the law in any area, nor should it be used to replace the advice of your own legal counsel. By using the Content in any way, whether or not authorized, the user assumes all risk and hereby releases Americollect from any liability associated with the Content.

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