At Americollect, many patients are more than willing to work with us, especially once we’ve taken the time to explain what they owe. But like with everything else, life can get busy and sometimes a payment is missed, decreasing your medical billing ROI. It’s important to get those patients back on track to pay what they owe, but to also do it in the most Ridiculously Nice way possible.
The Problem
With reminder calls, we have the ability to make calls where the patient is greeted with a recorded message giving them the option to speak to a Ridiculously Nice Patient Customer Service Specialist (PCSS). The other call style has the PCSS on the line as soon as the patient answers the phone. The problem we saw between these two variations was the lack of concrete evidence to help us see which option was best. So, we set out to find out exactly which option would help you improve your medical billing ROI faster.
The Solution
As with our previous test, Above and Beyond Credit Bureau Data: A/B Test Leads to Fruitful Outcomes, we utilized an A/B test where approximately half of the patients in our group received a recorded message before speaking to a PCSS, while we used predictive dialing (live agent) for the other group. We tracked several different data points, including the number of calls made, number of right person contacts, total time spent working these calls, and the total labor hours used during the process. Our data scientist was able to take this information and distill it down into actionable results that we could build a plan around to collect the most revenue from this group and improve your medical billing ROI.
After analyzing the information, we found that patients prefer a personal touch. We used the recorded message to reach 50,506 patients while there were 41,718 in the live agent group. What our data scientist found was a two-fold increase. The first thing discovered was that live agent calls resulted in connecting with the correct person 4,089 times to 3,084 correct patients with the recorded message, resulting in recovering 285 more payments. In addition to talking to the right person so many more times with fewer calls, the live agent was able to raise the average collected from $92.33 to $102.53. That means live agent calls were able to collect $10.20 more per payment, which added up to $100,224.24 more collected! That’s the Ridiculously Nice way to boost your medical billing ROI.
For our clients wanting to improve their medical billing ROI, we were able to show that by keeping that Ridiculously Nice personal touch, patients are not only willing to make their payments, but they also pay over 10-percent more. Being able to take advantage of the knowledge of our data scientist led to improved collection activities. We constantly analyze data and trends to ensure you are always receiving the best combination of data. If you’re interested in learning how Americollect can do this for you, contact our Ridiculously Nice sales team today!
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The content provided in this communication (“Content”) is presented for educational and general reference purposes only. Americollect, Inc and/or AmeriEBO LLC either directly or indirectly through speakers, independent contractors, or employees (collectively referred to as “Americollect”) is providing this Content as a courtesy to be used for informational purposes only. The Contents are not intended to serve as legal or other advice. Americollect does not represent or warrant that the Content is accurate, complete, or current for any specific or particular purpose or application. This information is not intended to be a full and exhaustive explanation of the law in any area, nor should it be used to replace the advice of your own legal counsel. By using the Content in any way, whether or not authorized, the user assumes all risk and hereby releases Americollect from any liability associated with the Content.